Between the Mountain and the Sky by Maggie Doyne

"This soulful story of tenacity is immensely inspiring." - Publisher's Weekly

"A gap-year trip becomes a life-changing experience when 19-year-old Doyne from New Jersey falls in love with the lost children of Nepal. As she recounts in this moving memoir, Doyne was driven to build a refuge for homeless children, where they can be safe, fed, and loved... In this inspiring account, Doyne reminds us, "All we can do, as life rushes in and out, is hold each other close and let love shape us." - Booklist Starred Review

"Maggie has the courage to act for the good when she sees a need and the conscience to use her privilege to empower others. She is a heart warrior of the first order, and I'm grateful and honored to count her among my dearest friends." - Cheryl Strayed

"She is what I wish I could be-what I wish we all could be. Her story has already inspired countless thousands of people, and it's time the world had a book about her." - Elizabeth Gilbert


There I Am by Ruthie Lindsey